What’s KICKin’

with Business by Fran Kick

I.O.U.S.A. the Movie

I.O.U.S.A. For Decades To Come?

I.O.U.S.A. is a documentary film that every social studies class needs to cover. Afterall no child will be left behind in dealing with this mess, so perhaps we should seriously consider expanding the teaching of financial literacy and related civic activities for middle and high school students around the country.
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Deloitte Decodes GenXers + Millennials

Deloitte is a major employer of young adults. In fact, over 80% of their employees who work directly with clients are under the age of 35. As such, Deloitte actively engaged in addressing the topic of generations at work and freely shares their findings with others outside of Deloitte.
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Fran Kick

FRAN KICK works with corporate and education organizations, groups, and associations that want to develop better leaders and smarter followers for faster long-term results. As an author, educational consultant, and professional speaker, he always shares relevant research, real-world insights, and actionable ideas YOU can implement to motivate yourself. So you can Kick It In and Take the Lead at work, in school, at home, and in life!