Mind the Gap

Developing Self-Motivation

OPPORTUNITY: James Stephens, Director of Advocacy and Educational Resources with Music for All, and series host Susan Smith, Assistant Professor of Music at Troy University and Chair of the NAfME Collegiate Advisory Council, reached out to Fran Kick as a guest panel participant for episode #3.

RESULT: Fran Kick and the panel of music education experts Cecilia Clark, Scott Edgar, Lori Schwartz Reichl, and Myra Rhoden, shared evergreen advice on connecting with students and keeping them engaged in the classroom, along with some specific considerations for e-learning, blended learning, and other obstacles to overcome while teaching during COVID-19.

UPDATE: Watch the entire one-hour Mind the Gap: Episode 3 – “Engaging the Student Musician” and read/share the following articles by Fran Kick:

Kick, F. (2006). Developing the Self-Motivation to KICK IT IN… when you’re tired of the carrot-and-stick approach! www.kickitin.com/developing-self-motivation/

Kick, F. (2009) Have to, Get to, or Want to: What Motivational Operating System Are You Using? www.kickitin.com/have-to-get-to-want-to/

Beyond the passion and the positive energy, Fran brings academic and pedagogical rigor to his method. It is more than a “feel good” moment—it is developmentally appropriate and builds in structured, insight-driven layers.”
Lisa Steele MacDonald
Lisa MacDonald, Director of Vertical Marketing
Yamaha Corporation of America

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Mind the Gap: Developing Self-Motivation

Music for All’s Mind the Gap, presented by Yamaha, is a video and podcast series for young and future music educators that started during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Great conversation. Thank you!

Karin Llyr, Music Teacher, Evergreen Elementary School, Spokane, WA